There are many theories in the world that created concerning the sun. Some are true and others are wrong. What is sun? How does it affect our life? Can man survive without our sun? These are the questions that we need to ask ourselves so that we will be able to know how the sun affects our lives.
Going by the dictionary definition, the sun is the star that shines in the sky during the day and brings heat and light to the earth. The light helps us to see. In addition, plants in the process known as photosynthesis use the heat to convert carbon dioxide and water into food using energy from sunlight. The animals then eat food from the plant for energy.
We cannot survive without the sun. That is the reason why the ancient peoples from Egypt, Babylon and Greece used to worship the sun as a god. We can comfortably survive without the rain but not the sun. NO, SUN NO MAN.
There has been a ranging debate as to whether the first day of the week (Sunday) was named after the sun. Some theorists argue that the Roman Catholic Church changed the day of worshiping from Saturday to Sunday as a way of respecting the sun god. Others urge that this was a strategy by the church to attract the pagan peoples in the former Roman Empire who used to worship the sun as a god. In order to attract a huge crowd to join the church, they had to name the worshipping day as Sunday so that the pagans could accept to join the church.
All the energy used by humankind comes from the sun. Therefore, we cannot be able to survive without the sun.

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